Our Story

Khalilia Dennis

People always say it takes a village and sometimes people don't have that village that they can trust and that's affordable at the last minute. As a single mother of three, the village option wasn’t too available, especially only for things I wanted to do that took a short time. Drop-in care wasn’t always too available especially, for a great price or without a contract that you would be coming back.   Help from family and friends is great if you have it, but constantly having to bend to their ever-changing schedule never works when you need it most. I decided to open DNG  to become the extended village needed to help parents, especially single parents, when and where they needed most in their schedule to do things outside of business hours and to do things that you can not do with children. The shop, nails, mental break, and parents’ weekend out. Movies, spa, self-care, etc. We want to be the extended family that helps instill great values, manners, and learning. To essentially help your child grow into well-rounded children. As a homeschooling parent, teaching my children is essential. A place where my values and teachings go with my child is important to me as well.

Partnering with parents

I want to partner with parents by becoming a trustworthy community available for them when needed. Parents need breaks outside of work and as I parent I feel a responsibility to the community to help out.